Things can change if you want them to, at any age and at any time! Here are ten things you can do to change your life at any age:
Subtract the wrong things: When things aren’t adding up in your life, it’s time to start subtracting. Sometimes you must let go to grow. You cannot discover new oceans unless you build up enough courage to lose sight of the old, familiar shoreline.
Believe you CAN: The biggest obstacle that stops people from achieving their dreams is the feeling that they are not good enough. Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. You are good enough! Don’t let life discourage you. Success is often closer than it seems. With enough determination and drive, anything is possible in time. Everyone who got to where they are had to begin from where they were, just like you.
Press in: Dreams don’t just magically become realities; it takes a lot of determination, sweat, and hard work. Remember, tough circumstances don’t last; tough people do. Most obstacles melt away when we make up our minds to march boldly through them. If you have a strong commitment to your goals and dreams and wake up every morning with passion to work toward them, anything is possible.
Practice Self-Assertiveness: You can’t force people to show you respect, but you can refuse to be disrespected. If you always back down to keep the peace, you will forever be armed with anger and self-loathing, and fighting a war within. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do, and don’t let anyone bully you into a corner.
Let go of the past: Don’t stumble on something behind you. Don’t let your shadow guide you. You are not a slave to your past. Let it go and move on. Dream and give yourself permission to envision a ‘YOU’ that you choose to be – that you know you CAN be. And remember, no failed attempt is ever a waste of time. The ones that don’t work out teach you lessons that prepare you for the ones that do.
Fail Forward: The seeds of your success are planted in your past failures. Your best stories will come from overcoming your greatest struggles. Your praises will be birthed from your pains. Keep standing and keep pushing forward. Even the coldest winters eventually turn into springtime. Seasons always change.
Enjoy where you are now: Sometimes we’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are. Laugh at the confusion, live consciously in the moment, and enjoy your life as it unfolds. You might not be exactly where you had intended to go, but you are precisely where you need to be.